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Monica D.T. Rysavy

Very interesting thoughts! I particularly enjoyed reading about how you are using Podcasts between your classes and how students integrate leadership artifacts in the course. I'm a high school technology teacher who absolutely loves technology and have found that I'm often the first to jump behind new technologies. Sadly, my current doctoral studies have included next to no technology (outside of Blackboard communications). I shall be sending your article to my instructors as something worth reading!

Jon Manier

I think you've touched on an important point that is often lost...it's darn difficult to articulate ideas in writing. As a student and educator, myself, I have often struggled getting "quality" work product in written form. Utilizing technology that provides for greater "flow" may indeed increase the value of the learning process.

Pam Shoemaker

I'm just finishing my ed spec degree and have seen no technology use throughout the entire program except for the expectation to add one post to a discussion forum. I have used technology as a focus for most of my own assignments and projects due to my own interests. I applaud what you are doing! My classmates would have really benefited by your assignments.


I enjoyed your conversation with Dr. Francisco Guajardo. I have worked with him in the past and it's feels good to hear him share stories and knowledge. I think your dissemination of shared conversation in this mode of technology is awesome.

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