Picking up on Scott's invitation to post on our off days as well, I thought I'd post something that's been on my mind lately. Principal/Administrative podcasts. Currently I'm subscribed to more technology in education podcasts than I know what to do with. But what about educational administration? Are there podcasts that you listen to (or watch) which would be beneficial to other administrators as well?
Even if it's only one person picking up your recommendation (me) I'd love to see what others are listening to.
My current search and what I'll be listening to on my drive north today:
- TASA- Texas Association of School Administrators
- Leadership Q & A - itunes URL
Those already on my iPod related to administration:
Not much here, I know. As you can probably guess I've been a bit heavy on the technology and although they hit at administrative issues I'd like to find those where the focus if more on administration.
Thank you for your time and help with this.
Sean Martinson
I think that this is a greatidea! I too am inundated with professional magazines and literature that, as an Assistant Principal, I can barely look at, let alone analyze. Anytime I find something interesting for Administrators I will let you know.
Posted by: David Ellena | August 18, 2007 at 07:01 AM
Thank you David for your comment, it's always a plus when someone is willing to cut through some of the "clutter" for you and offer a heads up on good resources. Right now I have some books listed on my site I recommend.
Thanks again!
Sean M.
Posted by: Sean Martinson | August 25, 2007 at 10:46 PM