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Mike Waiksnis

Great pointers! I switched jobs mid year this year so I recently went through the same process. I used the yearbook trick as well.

My top tips for people starting out at new jobs-

Don’t talk too much about your old job–they really do not care how you did it at _______.

Make sure you meet and show concern for ALL staff members–we all know the saying that the custodians and clerical staff really run the school.

**Hit the floor running–apply for that grant, introduce your PD plan, volunteer to serve on a district committee, walk the walk!

Roberto Porrata-Doria

Although I have been a principal for a number of years, I have just started a new assignment which is dramatically different, yet similar, to anything I have done before. Nonetheless, I took note of your pointers as if it were "that first day of that first year."

Reggie Engebritson

This is such a timely post as I am in week #2 of the new admin job and meeting new people every day. Other than wishing it was a law that everyone had to wear name tags, I am conscious of my body language, humor and listening skills. Plus, I am trying to stay in the moment and enjoy this part of what looks like will be a challenging and rewarding career move.

Thanks for the tips in all your blogs. I've also been trying to "feng shui" my office these past few weeks, and that is helping too!

Best of luck to you!

Vivek Khemka

Wonderful Post. Thank you, Scott.

I was nodding and smiling when I read the tip on remembering names. That's a tough one.

But the delight on a student's or teacher's face when you address them by name after having met them briefly (or never) has the potential to be the high-point of your day. It builds positivity and immediate buy-in. Highly recommended.

I blogged about the 10 Habits of New Principals yesterday- it is similar to this post, you want want to read it.

You can do so over at The Red Pencil http://theredpencil.wordpress.com/2007/07/11/10-things-for-new-principals-to-think-about/



Simply excellent... thanks for sharing.

Scott Elias

Thanks so much for the great feedback! I'm off to read the 10 Habits right now, Vivek!

Stephanie Sandifer

Thanks for posting this and sharing these ideas! I am adding these to my ideas for an "entry strategy" for my new job. :)

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