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Chris, Amen to that! I am finding however that while the top of your list is the most important the bottom of the list is taking more and more of my time and because I am in the private sector you can add fund raising to the list.

Antonio Viva


I too look forward to the starting a new year, of note for me is the return of students. Our campus is busy all summer long with summer camps, and yet I find myself missing the students walking across the quad and throughout the buildings. I look forward to welcoming new faculty to our school and reconnecting with our veterans. We have begun a new tradition at our school where one hour is devoted during our pre-sessional meetings where folks share what they did for summer professional development. I also look forward , oddly enough to my regular routine!!

I don't look forward to the chaos of registration day. Planning the beginning of the year meetings and realizing that I too have not finished every book on my list.


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