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Dave Sherman

I had the same experience when I added a ClustrMap to my blog. I was blown away every time a new red dot appeared. For a while, I was checking it every 20 minutes! Our students are publishing their work on the web in blogs and Wikis, and they are becoming more self-directed (an important 21st Century skill) as a result. Our technology teacher spent the last three weeks in Japan, and while he was there he was blogging, writing a Wiki, and "Skypeing" with classes back at school. This was highly motivating for our students. They were very involved in his trip to Japan. That could not have taken place to this extent five years ago.

Neil Rochelle

How cool for your students. Imagine if we had these tools available to us? Imagine what "school" will be like 10 years from now?

Barbara S

I plan on sharing your thoughts with my principal. Great summary of how important it is to communicate (at all levels...school, district, and globally) and ways technology makes that easier now. BTW, the link at the start to changinghighschools.blogspot.com is not working. I think you left out the 's' after school in the url :-)

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