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This sounds like a great event, and it does sound like something is right in California.

I had the opportunity to present at a technology conference for administrators here in New Jersey, and based on your description, it was nothing like what you wrote about. Rather depressing actually.

However, as more and more administrators become familiar with the uses and the transformative power of technology, I hope we don't lose sight of the power of good teaching. It takes a considerable amount of understanding and vision to see how technology can effectively be written into the curriculum, and then utilized well by the teacher and student. A lot of work has to be done to teach administrators what good teaching with technology looks like.

Thanks for the recap. It sounds like a conference worth looking into.


Patrick, you are right. That is an important part of the picture. I will put that down as one of my suggestions for a topic for next year. There is an interesting push/pull in all of this...but if I were to identify a theme from the conference it would be transformation. Certainly Sir Ken spoke of that and of good pedagogy. We may not have done quite so well in the breakouts with that concept. There is more work to do to define and offer models of good teaching that has been transformed by web 2.0.

Charlie A. Roy

Sound like a great conference. I've seen one of Ken Robinson's talks on TED and he is fabulous.

James Scoolis

I was at Leadership 3.0 as well -- Ken Robinson was fantastic-- he had a roomful of a couple of hundred adminstrators standing and applauding. a couple ofother things he said:

"You can not improve learning by raising or even having standards -- you can only improve learning by improving teaching...."

"Paul McCartney was told he was not good enough to join his high school choir.…. and he is pretty good isn't he?..… Can you imagine how good that choir was..."

Marie Sontag

I felt privileged to attend the Leadership 3.0 Symposium. I was able to attend due to my involvement with CTAP- thanks CTAP! I am an instructional technology teacher on special assignment. This is my first year working out of the district office instead of a classroom, and it enlarged my educational perspective to be able to attend a conference with and by many administrators. Usually I attend educational tech conferences, such as CUE, where most attendees and presenters are fellow-teachers. I especially liked the presentation by leaders from Visalia as they shared their journey from grade-based to standards-based assessments throughout their district. I also enjoyed the spirited discussion between Thornburg and Davidson regarding the digital immigrants/natives debate. If I were keeping score, I'd say Davidson won big time!

Hall Davidson

Thanks, Marie! I am archiving your comments :) It was fun debating a person with David's knowledge base in front of such a sharp crowd. I was slightly under the weather and it was really the bateria talking, but I'm glad to know they did well.

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