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Addie Gaines

What beautiful photos! Enjoy your break!


Good Man!


I am sitting on my couch, about 20 feet from my driveway. The kids are in bed, it is quiet, and I am off tomorrow. With this economy, you don't always have to go away to get away. Great post and picture. :)

Kevin W. Riley

Based on everyone else's comments on this post and the other recent "you gotta rest and take care of yourself" posts... this is going to sound like heresy-- but...

After 30 years as an educator and 20 of those years as a school leader-- I CAN'T WAIT for school to start again. I am more excited and energized than I have ever been. So while new administrators are working on systems to manage stress... know that some of us actually feed off that stress!

Don't get me wrong... I like traveling. But right now... when I am writing or blogging or reading.... it is all in preparation for making extraordinary things happen in my school this year. We start next week, and I feel like an 8-year old at Opening Day of Little League.


Nice perspectives from dcowart and Kevin. I relate to and agree with both.


Next time, leave the laptop, PDA, etc., etc. at home, and REALLY unplug! Thanks for a refreshing post.


wow, i miss the days in the mountains of NY. Lucky you!

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