I have read The World is Flat (Friedman), Covey's Eighth Habit, Pink's A Whole New Mind but the most compelling is Canton's The Extreme Future - The Top Trends that Will Reshape the World for the Next 5, 10, and 20 years. It is compelling from the perspective that we are asking the wrong questions in education. The focus on accountability needs to remain but the data sets need to be vastly different. He convicts our government (regardless of the party) of a lack of a Future Vision for education - thus condemning us to becoming less and less and less in the eyes of the world. When we become so focused on tomorrow and not next year or next decade - perspectives become fuzzy - outcomes become irratic - and necessary targets are missed - mainly because we are aiming at the wrong ones.
For example,what impact would the depletion of oil in the world have on our country (politically, economically, and academically)? Academically, you say? Why, is there a relationship betwen oil and learning? Oil and education? Oil and public schools? Think about it - this IS an ISSUE that we can't ignore. Canton informs his reader that the current oil supply WILL be depleted in 25-30 years (information from the inside the Saudi track).
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